A typical Travelmoore pitch

A typical Travelmoore pitch

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

March - time to check everything out

We have just returned from 4 days at Tanner Farm Park at Goudhurst, where we went in order to check that everything was working properly ready for the coming season.  It was very cold, and rained at times so we were glad of our hard-standing and heating in the van. We went with Lorna & Mike in their caravan and new awning, so enjoyed shared meals and entertaining evenings. Brian and I went for a walk around the fields down to the river - well-wrapped-up I have to say.  We returned 2 hours later absolutely plastered in mud. One afternoon we all wandered up the lane to the little nursery where Lorna put on her Scottish hat and haggled 3 ceramic pots for me for a fiver! I'll take her with me shopping again.  Now I just have to find another 2 pots, ready for my summer bulbs. Back at home we have been getting ourselves more organised since our building work has been done.  We were glad we came home when we did 'cos the next day it snowed! So it is back to the maps and guide books to decide what we would like to do next.

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